The messaging truck was once again sent out in Washington DC with some pretty specific and powerful messages related to MMTLP.
Whoever is creating the messages for the truck that gets parked outside of the SEC and drives around DC has stepped up their game. Some new, more powerful and direct messages aimed at fraud against Veterans and criminal activity have been setup on the giant color screens.
There’s even a screen devoted to Charles Payne’s callout to Gary Gensler to look into MMTLP.
We’re happy to see MMTLP Resources promoted along with these messages and hope to educate all new site visitors to the myriad of crimes in this and other tickers.
William Farrand was out with the truck giving some commentary on his YouTube channel.
Thanks to William for his coverage, and while we don’t know exactly who funded this truck run we know the truck is usually organized through HAM the Shortkiller, so thanks to him as well.
The truck also features messages regarding stock symbols GTII, FNGR and more. It also features a giant middle finger with “HEY SEC FORK YOU”. Nope. We’re surely not in “The Good Place” anymore.
The full display of the truck’s messaging was recently tweeted by BusyBrands