The currently loaded letter templates are focused on sending information about MMTLP to Senators and Congressional Representatives. For the letters to format properly, be sure to follow the exact format listed below.
This letter is an updated version which uses text from FairMarketsNow.org templates along with some customization to include some of the more recent events such as the FOIA request and Congressional letters. Of course, you can add some of your own personal information as well, which is highly recommended. This letter template also focuses more on gaining interest by a congressional staffer, and is not designed to give out all the facts of MMTLP. The goal with this letter is that we want to hear back from the office asking us to supply more information, which can then be submitted separately.
While the text generated from the MMTLP Letter Wizard can be copied and pasted and emailed to representatives, we encourage you to print out the PDF file and physically mail or drop off these letters to be the most effective. Also, please note the address at the top of the letter is general, and you should find your representatives full mailing address which typically includes the office building they are in.
In the future, new letter templates will be added and you can come back and print more letters at any time.