• MMTLP Commercial Media Submission Form

      Be sure you’ve read the submission guidelines carefully before submitting this form.

      Your Information

      Your Submission Information

      I am submitting:

      Number of Videos:

      Number of Images:

      The following people are included in my images or media

      Person 1:

      Person 2:

      Person 3:

      Person 4:

      Person 5:


      There are three ways you can submit your videos and images to us.

      You can upload your work along with this submission. You can submit up to 4 files of videos or images each with a maximum upload file size of 100MB. Note that it may take a long time to upload large files and this will be dependent on your internet connection speed.

      Remember, you also must include a copy of the signed model release form below. You can scan it or even take a photo of it once it’s signed.

      To submit your work via e-mail, please complete the rest of this form and submit it. After submission, you can e-mail your work to commercial@mmtlpresources.com

      Files will need to be small enough to be sent via email, and this depends on your email provider. Both gmail and yahoo do not allow attachments more than 25MB which should be fine for images but not videos.

      If your files are too big and you can’t use any other option you can always try with www.wetransfer.com (no signup required) and send them to commercial@mmtlpresources.com.

      Remember, you also must include a copy of the signed model release form below. You can scan it or even take a photo of it once it’s signed.

      If your work is available online you can submit the link directly to the file. This is useful if you have an iPhone and iCloud uploads the file to the cloud, you should be able to send us a link.

      You also should include a link to the signed model release below

      Before submitting be sure your images or videos are taken in the horizontal format and you have a MMTLP sign with no text written on the image. Make sure you are also attaching the model release. Thank you!