It’s sometimes difficult to spread the MMTLP message to dazed friends and family. The MMTLP 1-sheet can help.
Back in December of 2022 many people in Space calls were asking for a simple 1-sheet document to spread the word of MMTLP.
Krucialmix created the MMTLP one sheet back then, and through these months it has been periodically revised. The 1-sheet is a good one-pager document that explains the MMTLP saga without too much detail.
The latest revision contains a lot of new discoveries and information plus it has a link to both the newest Collusion video, plus the great MMTLP Story page courtesy of Fair Markets Now.
It’s not always the best idea to send people pages and pages of data when trying to explain our story. If it’s too much info or too confusing, people tend not to engage. This is why the 1-sheet is a good attention grabber and hopefully, they will want more.
So feel free to use, edit and share the new February 2024 document as you see fit.
PNG Version is downloadable here (now with clickable links)