• Congressional Support Through Two New Letters

    The advocacy to Congress continues to pay off while on Wednesday the community received two new letters from members of Congress.

    These new letters from local representatives comes from California and Texas.

    Representative Victor Gonzalez represents the 34th district of Texas and is directed to Gary Gensler. Representative Gonzalez serves on the House Financial Services Committee.

    The second letter is from Representative Jared Huffman of California. Huffman represents California’s North Coast and double directed his letter to both Gary Gensler and Robert Cook of FINRA.


    Both letters are archived on MMTLP Resources below:

    Victor Gonzalez letter (Texas)

    Jared Huffman letter (California)

    Thank you to community members Mike, Drew, Don Fizz and Jimmy Ray Powers for their reporting and help with these letters.

    Keep up the good work MMTLP Community!

    Have you called your local Representative and asked them to pen a letter?