• MMTLP SEC Briefing is September 5th

    We have word from Anna that the MMTLP SEC briefing will be held in just a few days on September 5th.


    This briefing is in response to the original Congressional request for information on MMTLP signed by 15 members of Congress.

    Thanks to Anna, John Brda, and others who have been working toward making this briefing happen behind the scenes.

    At this point little is known other than it will be a private briefing so we’re not likely to be able to watch or attend.

    It seems essential that MMTLP have some type of representative present for this, but we are unsure if this is even being considered at this time.

    This week is a great time to call Congress and reference this meeting and let them know that we would like a representative there along with a complete aggregated audited share count (saying “bluesheets” is so April).