• More Details Emerge on FINRA Court Date

    June 13th is approaching, and this is the new date FINRA has been mandated to appear in court to either present the MMTLP blue sheets or argue why they can’t.

    In addition to this appearance date, their deadline to file their reasoning, or brief is coming up even quicker, it’s June 2nd!

    We now know from Mark Basille that the court appearance for oral arguments will be virtual via Zoom or some other platform on June 13th at 2:30 pm EST.

    Whether the public can “tune in” to this is not yet known.

    However, possibly the most interesting part of Mark’s tweet is that there are negotiations happening now, and if an agreement is reached, there may not be a court date. Now, it’s important to note it’s not likely that Mark is not negotiating any type of Trading or Settlement with FINRA, but for the data that is needed for discovery in his client’s case. But any agreement should be a positive step forward for MMTLP.