We have obtained the powerpoint presentation from the Pete Sessions Town Hall along with an audio recording of the MMTLP discussion.
In addition to what we have previously reported, more information is coming in on the Hewitt, Texas meeting and the audio of the MMTLP discussion is now available. The first couple minutes contain an echo but the audio improves shortly thereafter.
We now know that the topic started when a community member, unidentified at this point but possibly Heidi Moga, brought up the topic during the Q&A portion. Pete was clearly ready for this discussion as they had the slideshow queued up and ready to discuss. Other members of the MMTLP community are heard on the recording and asked additional questions. We had good representation at this event!
Sessions mentions many important factors as he discusses the situation.
“I have accepted this role, I am willing to have this role, and that is we need to figure out the role of the federal government and whether there was manipulation of the market that was done through this up to and including misinformation and matters that deal with impropriety by perhaps a government organization”. – Pete Sessions
“There are a huge number of people that have been harmed.” – Pete Sessions
Sessions also acknowledges that due to the SVB crisis, the committee was overwhelmed and behind on MMTLP. He also said that he is delighted that these community members came to his town hall and he accepts the responsibility as a senior member of the Financial Services committee to get shareholders an answer.
Follow up questions also addressed getting the blue sheets which Sessions acknowledged is an option and it would involve a subpoena. He mentions that this requires a hearing, and will be more likely to happen once the committee has completed all SVB issues.
In short, Sessions mentioned they do take this seriously and seems to be 100% of an ally to this community. This is the best MMTLP news I’ve heard in weeks!
While some of the slides contain questionable information as to some dates as pointed out by Meta News. This could just be wording. The language of the slide says “As per FINRA’s schedule”. Sure, this was FINRA’s schedule, but not the companies or the SEC document official schedule.
The slides were not discussed in detail in the audio. We’ll have to wait and see but knowing Pete has met with several community members and spoke positively toward getting shareholders answers, we’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt on his understanding of our story.
Be sure to listen to the full audio above, and you can click here to download the powerpoint presentation.
Please reach out by email, phone, Twitter and JUST THANK Pete Sessions and their office for standing up and helping out our community. At this point they are clearly working to get the truth, so just a thank you is appropriate.
Community member PaulT has put together a handy graphic of quotations from the audio.
Special thanks to Matt from the Waco Tribune for providing us this information.