Hear from community members as they reflect on the anniversary no one wanted to celebrate.
John Brda shared encouraging words and a post from about a year ago on what should be true with MMTLP.
A video prepared by Krucialmix marked the occasion by teasing a new video from MMTLP Studios. It’s been a long time since “Revolution” and the community can use another video!
Kostas laid out all the facts and data in a visual tribute tweet.
A short and to the point tweet from BusyBrands reminds us of the positive side being Long Term Capital Gains Taxes.
Community member Zing reminds us of our progress and the bonds we’ve made but most importantly, it’s pizza night! Looks yummy.
Patrick Keaveny expresses all of our frustrations and reminds us about the upcoming Open Letter. He also reshared the all important “Revolution” video.