• Congressional Open Letter Gains Traction

    The idea of getting a multi-signed open letter to the SEC appears to be a go.

    UPDATE 12/16: The open letter is out and gaining signatures as we speak. Read more about the deadline and how you can help here.

    Thanks to the awesome work of community members like Don Fizz, Anna, Andrew, Patrick, and others, a new open letter to the SEC is coming closer to a reality.

    We have no shortage of Congressional letters right now. Currently totalling 11 letters with 25 signatures, none of the letters seem to have pushed a resolution forward yet.

    The letters, most written to Gary Gensler or Robert Cook of FINRA, have so far gone publicly unresponded.

    The new idea is to get more signatures. Way more signatures. So many signatures that they simply can not be ignored.

    Anna Trades recently hosted a space letting us know that the open letter is happening.

    While the X Space doesn’t seem to be recorded, we recently heard from Patrick Keaveny and Don Fizz in a short Space discussing their progress.

    Patrick reported from DC that Don and the team has had over 50 meetings with Congress and they are listening.

    I expect around 90-120 signatures on the new open letter.

    Patrick Keaveny

    The letter campaign appears to be being coordinated by Congressman Ralph Norman’s office.


    An extensive post with more detailed information on the letter campaign was recently posted by community member James.

    Please contact your Representative(s) and ask them to sign on to the open letter! We will not be ignored!

    Contact information and Advocacy Resources are available here.