On a planned space call, the former CEO of Meta Materials, who was in charge during the spin-off, weighs in.
Kurtis hosted a space call with George Palikaras, the tragically ousted CEO of Meta Materials. While the space call most primarily dedicated to MMAT, some questions about MMTLP were discussed.
George was asked some questions about MMTLP and was limited in what he could talk about but he left some breadcrumbs for the community.
He said his work to help MMTLP shareholders and discussions with the SEC “comes and goes in waves.” He also said, “It’s not closed.” He suggested some email communications could be released between him and the SEC along with the NBH correspondences that have been made public.
George acknowledged our work with Congress but suggested a way to make it more effective is going through Greg McCabe of Next Bridge Hydrocarbons.
“I think you should be trying to discuss with him, [McCabe] some strategies”
Hear a segment of George speaking on MMTLP below.
The full recording is available below. MMTLP talk starts around an hour and a half in.
Thanks to George for being a guest and Kurtis for hosting.
We’ve heard that George is considering participating in a future space call that is more MMTLP-centric.
Danielle opened an additional space following the call with George and is also available on a recording. Anna joined this call and discussed some of her DC strategies and frustrations.